Editorial Note Prefacepp. 0 - 0 Abstract Keywords: |
Issue Information Full Text (PDF)pp. i - vi | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053 Abstract Keywords: |
Original Articles Kulinarik in ausgewählten Märchen der Gebrüder GrimmIrma Trattner pp. 1 - 15 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.1 Abstract Nach einer Explikation der Funktion und des Einflusses von Lebensmitteln in der realen Welt werden die Funktion und der Einfluss von Lebensmitteln in Märchen analysiert und interpretiert. Zuerst werden wir so originalgetreu wie möglich zeigen, wie Märchen den Lebensunterhalt darstellen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden Analysen von Hänsel und Gretel, Frau Holle und Schneewittchen durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Rolle verschiedener Nahrungsmittel in Märchen zu analysieren und zu ermitteln. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, werden eine Reihe von Interpretationen, Methoden, theoretischen Rahmenwerken und methodischen Ansätzen von Autoren herangezogen, insbesondere die von Alois Wielacher, dem Begründer der internationalen Kulinarikforschung. Dann wird sich zeigen, ob und wie Essen in den Erzählungen der Volksmärchen eine Rolle spielt. Darüber hinaus werden Vergleiche angestellt, um die Symbolik der verschiedenen Lebensmittel zu verdeutlichen, indem mögliche Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den verschiedenen Märchen hervorgehoben werden. Durch die Erstellung dieser Vergleiche wird dieser Prozess erleichtert. In der Schlussfolgerung des Berichts werden die Forschungsergebnisse analysiert, zusammengefasst und in ihren historischen Kontext gestellt. Keywords: Kochkunst, Kannibalismus, Menschheit, Schneewitchen, Frau Holle |
Essen wie der letzte Mensch. Esskultur vor, während und nach der Apokalypse in Thomas von Steinaeckers Die Verteidigung des Paradieses
Amelie Buerhop pp. 16 - 30 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.2 Abstract In dem vorliegenden Artikel „Essen wie der letzte Mensch” wird untersucht, wie kultureller und moralischer Zerfall sich als Symptome apokalyptischer Bedingungen in der dargestellten Esskultur manifestieren. Der 2016 erschienene Roman wirft dabei folgende Fragen auf: Wie unterscheiden sich die Nahrungsbedingungen vor, während und nach der Apokalypse? Was offenbart die Esskultur im Roman über die Lebensrealität der Figuren, und welche Reflexionen ergeben sich daraus für die Leser:innen? Welche Rolle spielt die Sammlung von materiellen Esskulturgegenständen für die Narration? Und wie wird der Bruch mit Nahrungstabus durch die Apokalypse gerechtfertigt? Zur Beantwortung dieser Leitfragen wird eine textimmanente Analyse durchgeführt, die der Chronologie des Romans folgt. Mithilfe von Forschungsliteratur zur Apokalypse, Kulinaristik und materiellen Kultur werden die Analyseergebnisse kontextualisiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich die Nahrungsbedingungen durch abnehmende Versorgungssicherheit kontinuierlich verschlechtern, dass das Essen zunehmend dem Überleben und immer weniger dem Genuss dient und dass der Verlust kulinarischer Vielfalt auch mit einer Verarmung der Sprache einhergeht. Das Aufzählen und Sammeln kulinarischer Begriffe und materieller Objekte der Voruntergangsesskultur wird als Entwurf einer bewahrenswürdigen (nationalen) Esskultur interpretiert, die den Leser die kulinarische Fülle der Gegenwart verdeutlicht. Es wird außerdem deutlich, dass entscheidende Momente der Handlung in enger Verbindung mit den Nahrungsbedingungen stehen und wie anhand dieser von existenziellen Ängsten und Nöten, sukzessivem Werte- und Würdeverlust der Figuren sowie von moralischem Verfall erzählt wird. Keywords: Esskultur, Apokalypse, Nahrung, Tabu, Kultur |
Politicized Sex Repression and Fascination in The Chinese Cultural Revolution
Xiaofei Tu, Wei Xie pp. 31 - 41 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.3 Abstract In this paper we study the sexual repression and fascination in mainstream films and underground literature during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The Cultural Revolution was launched by the Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong seventeen years after the Party had become the ruling force of China, and ten years from Mao’s death in 1976. On the one hand, it was Mao’s strategy to purge his once comrades who posed threats to his monopoly of power. On the other hand, Mao mobilized the mass movement to preserve the Chinese communist values that Mao believed to have been forgotten by the Party members. As a result, China in the late Mao era was to a large degree a sexually repressed country, under the censorship of Maoist “revolutionary” ideology that considered sex expressions a bourgeois obsession. Nevertheless, politically motivated sexual repression inevitably caused resistance that often took unexpected forms. Although the Cultural Revolution has been the focus of attention for China watchers for a relatively long time, sexuality and contemporary politics in China is a less explored topic. This paper aims to fill the lacunae by looking into some social undercurrents and unprivileged discourses that have escaped scholars’ attention. This paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, I discuss the changing attitude of the Chinese Communist Party toward sexuality, providing a historical background for the case studies in the second part that analyze sex repression and fascination in films and underground literature during the Cultural Revolution. Keywords: Cultural Revolution, Sexual Repression, Chinese Films, Underground Literature, Maoist Ideology |
The Role of Baghdadi Jews in India’s Freedom Movement
Sayan Lodh pp. 42 - 52 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.4 Abstract The Baghdadi Jews were the last among three historical Jewish communities (the other two being Cochini and Bene Israel) to arrive in India between the 1790s and 1830s, with immigration continuing until the mid-20th century. They settled along the emerging colonial port cities of Bombay (now Mumbai) and Calcutta (now Kolkata). The Baghdadi Jewish community as a whole was pro-British and possessed a neutral and ambivalent attitude towards the Nationalist struggle in India. They tried in vain to regain the European status after losing it in 1885. Since the late 1930s, many within the community gradually drifted towards the Indian national struggle, inspired by the inclusive ideas of M. K. Gandhi. However, their participation remained passive, and they never openly supported the freedom struggle at the community level. Nevertheless, there were a few Baghdadis, such as Hannah Sen, David Haskell Cohen, and Maurice Japheth, who actively participated in the movement in their individual capacities. David Cohen was one of the few Baghdadis to serve prison sentences for his involvement in communist activities. This paper aims to discuss such individual Baghdadi Jews who took part in India’s nationalist movements, going against their community’s general trend. Due to the shortage of materials, the research is primarily based on online sources. Keywords: Baghdadi Jews, India, British colonialism, Nationalist struggle, Individual activism |
Text-Bild Verflechtungen. Konstantinovs Der Sandmann (2019) im Rückblick
Sahib Kapoor pp. 53 - 69 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.5 Abstract Der Sandmann von E.T.A. Hoffmann aus dem Jahr 1816 ist eines der bedeutendsten Werke der Spätromantik. Die Novelle wurde in den letzten 200 Jahren mehrfach verfilmt, gemalt und als Oper aufgeführt. Seit seiner Erstveröffentlichung wurde sie von mehr als 82 Künstlern illustriert (vgl. Riemer 2022). Der jüngste Beitrag in dieser Reihe ist die Comicadaption von Vitali Konstantinov. In dieser Arbeit wird die Beziehung zwischen E.T.A Hoffmanns Der Sandmann (1816) und Vitali Konstantinovs Der Sandmann. Nach E.T.A Hoffmann (2019). analysiert. Die vorliegende Forschung versucht es zu beantworten, inwiefern Konstantinovs Adaption eine andere Lesart von Hoffmanns Geschichte bietet und welche Gemeinsamkeiten oder Unterschiede zwischen der Erzählung und der Comicadaption zu finden sind. Keywords: Hoffmann, Sandmann, Comic, Konstantinov, Peil |
Socio-Cultural Factors Propelling Domestic Violence Against Married Women In South-West Nigeria
Oluwafemi Imisioluwa Olatunde, Abiola Oluyemi Arogundade, Omobolaji Omolola Akande pp. 70 - 85 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.6 Abstract Domestic Violence against married women (DVAMW) is a huge threat affecting the desire of many women to have a peaceful home, lovely family and quality life. The study focuses on socio- cultural factors propelling DVAMW in southwest Nigeria. The paper was anchored Sociocultural Theory of Marriage and Action theory to explain DVAMW as action capable of generating negative responses and interpretation. Being a mixed study, the paper generates both quantitative and qualitative information from four selected study area in Ekiti and Ondo State southwest Nigeria respectively. Thirty (30) respondents and five (5) key informant were equally and randomly selected from each study area. A total number of 120 -One hundred and twenty- copies of questionnaires were distributed to collect quantitative data from adults of reproductive age, currently married or ever-married. The data were then analyzed, using SPSS while twenty (20) key informant interview were conducted transcribed, and reported verbatim to complement the quantitative data. Finding reveal sociocultural factors propelling DVAMW to includes man superiority (72.5%), culture of silent and endurance (93.3%), social stigmatization on divorce (93.3%), covering-up husband’s anomalies (89.2%), protecting family secret or image (91.7%), disobedience (95.0%) confrontation or argument (95.0%) etc. The paper concluded that society and the parties involved in the family institution should put more effort towards preventing any heinous and demeaning sociocultural factors. Its recommends that social reorientation on any sociocultural factors known to propel DVAMW and implore married women to be more submissive and respect their husband decision to avoid been violate. Keywords: Sociocultural factor, Propelling, Domestic violence, Reorientation |
Identity and Culture of Naming Among the Yoruba of West-Africa
Olakunle Folami, Omobolaji Omolola Akande, Oluwafemi Imisioluwa Olatunde pp. 86 - 100 | DOI: 10.29329/almamater.2024.1053.7 Abstract Naming is an important aspect of the Yoruba culture. The importance of naming has been eroded by civilization, Westernization, foreign religions, and globalization. Names are identity, and it is a means of social arrangement, social engagement, and social structure among the Yoruba of West Africa. Names are associated with place of birth, period of birth, family background, important events, days, and others. Many people have been able to retrace their origin, historical records, and family background through their family names. Names have opened opportunities for many. The Yoruba use names to determine suitability for marriage, association, friendship, and assumption of important traditional posts. The Yoruba naming could be described as cultural heritage. Differential Association Theory propounded by Edwin Sutherland was used in this study. Differential Association Theory emphasizes communication and learning processes as mechanisms of corruption in good manners. Secondary sources of data were used to collect data on differences, importance, sources, and reasons for the disappearance of indigenous names such as textbooks, the internet, and others. The survival of the Yoruba race impinges on the survival of its culture including naming culture. Bad aspects of Westernization, modernization, and globalization should be dropped to protect naming - an important cultural heritage among the Yoruba. Therefore, this paper suggested dropping any religious or foreign names such as Faith, Rashidat, Michael, and others. The Yoruba should retain their first and last indigenous names such as Adeyinka, Olu, Fayemi, Ogunlowo, and others. Keywords: Culture, Identity, Naming, Western, Yoruba |