|  e-ISSN: 3023-8846

Submission Guidelines

1. APA 7 should be used as the writing standard (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/).

2. Abstracts should be between 150 and 250 words.

3. Extended abstracts should be between 700 and 850 words.

4. The article length should be between 5,000 and 9,000 words.

5. Papers should be written in MS Word or compatible programs, with the font "Times New Roman", 12-point size, 1.5 line spacing (before and after 0 pt), and justified alignment.

6. The author's name and surname should be in bold letters; their title, institution, and email address should be indicated in the footnote.

7. The title of the article should be in bold (bold) letters and written in 16-point font.

8. Section headings of the article should be in bold (bold) letters and 14-point font, subheadings should be in bold (bold) letters and 12-point font.

9. Expressions requiring emphasis in the text should be shown "in quotation marks", not in italics or bold. Double emphasis such as both "in quotation marks" and italic or both bold and italic should not be used.

10. Short and direct quotations consisting of three or fewer lines in the text should be given "in quotation marks" (not italic). Direct quotations exceeding four lines (block) should be written without quotation marks (not italic), with one line spacing and a 1.25 cm left indent on the next line of the text, in 10-point font.

11. Table and figure titles should be in 12-point bold (bold), table and figure contents should be in 10-point normal, table and figure captions (source) should be in 8-point normal, footnotes should be in 10-point normal. Tables, graphs, and figures should be referenced consecutively as "Table 1.", "Graph 1.", "Figure 1.".

12. The references should be listed alphabetically by surname, in 11-point font, with 1.15 line spacing (before 0; after 6 pt), hanging indent 1.25 cm, and the font "Times New Roman".

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